Stop worrying about your posture.
Gamers are constantly bombarded with advice about sitting posture, this blog explores why this is a bad thing and you shouldn’t worry about it too much.
The Core
If you're a gamer who has suffered from lower back problems and has consulted with a trainer or physio, or indeed if you've done your own internet research, you're sure to have come across the concept of core stability. This blog post will examine some of the myth that surround this subject so that hopefully the next time you talk to somebody or consult Dr Google you'll be going in aware of some of the misconceptions surrounding this topic.
Exercise and cognitive function: A performance boost for gamers?
This essay is primarily concerned with the acute cognitive responses to physical exercise and if they will affect a gamer’s performance.
eSports gamers and the new WHO physical activity guidelines.
This review paper will examine the adherence of gamers to the WHO recommendations and provide some guidance to coaches working with gamers.